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Get your SMSF into top gear!

Self-Managed Super Funds can help you to invest in items that aren't on the investment menu of larger super funds. The commercial premises you use to run your business is a popular example.......Read More »

The pros and cons of protected equity loans

A loan that allows you to invest in shares without risking your capital sounds good. But do the advantages of protected equity loans outweigh the costs? Read More »

Explaining the EU debt crisis

Why is a country as small as Greece the trigger for a broader regional economic emergency?Read More »

Insurance bonds revisited

Want an investment that is free from capital gains tax if you hold it for more than 10 years? Look no further than insurance bonds. Read More »

BP Gulf Oil Disaster - a lesson in diversification

Pension funds have about 8% of their UK equity holdings in BP. as until the disaster occurred, BP represented about 8% of the FTSE 100 index of leading shares. The effects are widespread......Read More »

Building a bigger retirement nest egg

Will your superannuation provide you with the retirement you want? Read More »

Keeping track – records needed for Capital Gains Tax purposes

The capital gain on an investment is the difference between the price you paid for it and the price you sold it for. Good record keeping can help you to maximise the money you earn from a sale.

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Insuring your most important asset

You have protected your assets against loss or damage, but what about protecting your income? Read More »

Investment themes for the next decade

Where are we headed investment-wise over the next decade? While the answer remains anyone’s guess, here are some themes that you are likely to hear more of as the years progress.

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Navigating investment property tax deductions

If you have purchased an investment property, ensuring that you use every available concession can make a significant difference to your bottom line....Read More »

What happens to your super after you die?

Death and taxes are often said to be the only things in life that are certain. But have you ever wondered how the two are connected in relation to your superannuation?.... Read More »


The “R” word

After you cope with the news and your redundancy entitlements are added up, the numbers can look pretty good. However, knowing how long the redundancy money will last is vital, especially if you haven’t secured other work by the time you receive your final payout....Read More »

Total & Permanent Disability Insurance - It’s a matter of definition

With so many things, the details are often what counts in the end. This is no different when it comes to establishing appropriate Total and Permanent Disability insurance. Do you know if you have the right coverage for your needs?.....Read More »

Keeping it in the family

There are options to provide for future generations through tax effective structures...........Read More »

Lessons from ‘The Last Lecture’ of Dr Randy Pausch

Reflections on why it is important of planning for the future, while ensuring that you make the most of today.

With a new year and a fresh new decade now upon us, many people are making resolutions to live their lives in a different and more positive way. Read More »

Aged care options

Aged care: what are the options, and how much does it cost?

There are a myriad of aged care options available in Australia, depending on individual needs.

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What you need to know about Ponzi schemes

‘A fool and his money are soon parted’ as the old saying goes. Right? Not necessarily.

The financial scams being promoted these days – especially over the internet – have become as sophisticated as the clients they are attempting to target.

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